"Was News"
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As South Mountain Sisters,
Susan, Shirley, Lee, Suzanne, Joanne, and Loona
Warmly Invite You to Celebrate

August 5, 2006

3:30 to 9:00 p.m.

at Susan & Shirley's
Mountain Paradise

Please Bring

Food to share for our post-ritual feast
(something that needn't be prepared or heated once you get here)

A bell if you have one

Something for the altar


A Gift of Spirit
(a natural object, poem, reading, blessing, artwork, etc.)

Other Things You Need To Know and Bring

Please RSVP to Lee at 717-749-5026
(if you'd like to stay over, call Susan & Shirley: see below)

This will be an extended celebration; late-comers will interrupt the flow.

Upon your arrival at 3:30, we will share light refreshments (provided by the hosts).

Please make your contribution to the post-ritual feast
a dish that can be served without further preparation or heating.

You are welcome to stay over. If you want to do so, please
Call Susan & Shirley at 717-749-3730 or email them to reserve a spot in the house (first come, first served), or bring your tent.
Bring your own bedding.

We will provide breakfast on Sunday.

This will happen rain or shine.
Bring your rain gear; but if it’s too rainy we’ll have an alternate plan for indoor festivities.

Dress casually, but if you have special ritual garb you want to wear, this is the time to wear it!

A few more items for your checklist

Lawn chairs
Layered clothing for warm days and cool nights
Towel for the hot tub (post-ritual opportunity)

Where Is this "Paradise?"

Susan & Shirley live in the mountains half an hour west of Gettysburg, an hour from Harrisburg.

Link to directions
(you will need Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded free at

If you have questions, just call Lee at 717-749-5026, or email Susan or Lee

Looking forward to joining with you to celebrate our dear Linda.
It will be a boffo croning!