June 2005
Susan finally added some new photos:
March 2003
Goddess journey to Malta
September 2002
A feminists' dream vacation, in the Finger Lakes.
July 2002
We became grandmas! And started a Jane album. It will grow. We added a link to it in the navigation bar at the top of every page.
June 2002
His mother Marguerite made a web album for Susan's nephew Sammy Jack, and Susan put her favorite picture on his page here.
April 2002
February 2002
- Added links to V-Day and to the Dykes to Watch Our For comic strip, both on our Recommended Links page
December 2001
May 2001
Moved the site to a different host because our Intermet Service Provider got bought out by a behemoth (Earthlink) that doesn't offer free web sites.
April 2001
Started a May Day album in anticipation of our upcoming celebration
February 2001
Album of Susan's whirlwind week in New York City
Page for Susan's brother Sam, with a fabulous photo he took and a link to an interesting article he wrote.
December 2000
Added a Naomi home page
Added a Rhiannon and Boudicca page
Fall 2000
Susan's new nephew, Sammy Jack
Summer 2000
June 2000
Women's Magical Tour of Cornwall
For May Day, we joined an intrepid band of North American women touring the stone circles, sacred wells, and beautiful countryside of Britain's west country. As always, there are stories and pictures.
December 1999
Our dog Rocky dies, but she lives on, on her very own web page.
November 1999
1999 Halloween Photo Album
October 1999
1999 Women's Picnic Photo Album
September 1999
Started the Celebrations section of the site, with Halloween.
anoe Trip in Minnesota
Put up an album of storiest and pictures of our 1997 canoe trip in Minnesota, with our friends Mary and Cynthia.
August 1999
More Picnic Photos
Added a "fun" photos page to the women's picnic section.
Is Anal Retentive Hyphenated?
I just noticed that the "About Our Site" heading linked to our travel page. I fixed it. Someday, maybe I'll add to the About page, a photo of me sitting here on the porch, with my Mac in my lap.
Womyn's Chorus Web Site
The Central Pennsylvania Womyn's Chorus has a web site, thanks to Cheryl (who came here from Minnesota and threatens to leave us all too soon). The chorus has been a transforming force in our lives for the past five years.
This "Was News" Page
We changed the way we announce developments on our web site, and the title of this page. It's now a collection of highlights of our web site, in reverse chronological order, and Susan calls it "Was News." Now the latest news appears, newsletter-fashion, on our home page, instead of on a separate page called What's New. This Was News page will become a historical record of those home page features.
July 1999
Extra! Extra!
Susan and Shirley drive a U-Haul across the country!
Susan has finished the web photo album of our trip to New Mexico. When you have some idle moments, amuse yourself with the pages that tell the stories of helping Naomi to move there, our visits with friends Joan and Joan, and Flo, and the other ways we entertained ourselves in the "land of enchantment."
Joann and Linda launched their web site, and we linked it from our page of links to friends' web pages.
June 1999
Picnic Photos
Susan put up the first pages of the women's picnic photo album. (The hot tub, the pond, and the feast. The Fun page was added in August.) |