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Upcoming Halloween: Nov. 1-2, 2003

The General Plan

Our Halloween ritual/party follows the general pattern of earlier years. Every woman is an active participant; see the checklist for what we ask you to bring. Please bring friends!

Please bring your jack o’lanterns (the more, the better) already carved. We have learned that pumpkin carving is untenable in the time and space available.

To help us in planning and joyful anticipation, we’d appreciate knowing whether or not you will come. And the sooner you tell us you plan to stay over, the sooner we can solve the Chinese puzzle of sleeping spaces.



Volunteers arrive to help and are warmly welcomed.

We love early arrivals, and will appreciate your help. Activities will include gathering leaves and things with which to decorate the house, setting up the circle, and so forth.

Arrive and pitch your tent (or settle into your indoor "camping" spot).

We hope you will be able to stay over.
If you have cold-weather sleeping bags, you can pitch your tent in the yard.
If not, bring bedding (see checklist for specifics); sleeping space will be provided inside one way or another, quite possibly on the floor -- it will help to think of this as a slumber party!

If you're not pitching a tent, arrive by 5 if you need daylight to find us.

Daylight saving time will have ended the week before. It gets dark early now.

We share a potluck supper.

We’re making no food assignments; it truly is a potluck. We will provide a hearty soup or stew, and plenty of apples, cider, coffee and tea.


Face painting (optional—no pressure!).

We take the jack o’ lanterns (which you brought already made) to the circle, and finish preparing it, and light the luminaria to mark our path to the circle.

We set the table with a feast for the departed.

After supper we really get down to visiting with one another. Those who want will paint their faces (no mask-making this year). We have lots of face paint. If you don’t want to do this, just come for the great conversation.

If you haven't yet done so, this will be a good time to put any photo(s) you may have brought on the indoor altar.


We clean up inside.

We each select a percussion instrument and make final preparations, for:

Bring your own percussion instruments if you have them. There won't be a drumming jam session but there will be noise-making.

The ritual! (Outdoors, weather permitting -- bring warm clothes)

After the ritual, we return to the house for:

The ritual itself always includes the eerie presence of spirits in the form of jack o’ lanterns (courtesy of all participants), music or noise-making, and an opportunity to remember those who have gone before. The traditions behind these activities are explained in the article Shirley wrote for our first Halloween celebration; it's the page called About Halloween on this web site.

More party!


We share brunch, and more good times.

If you don't stay over but live near enough to go home on Saturday night, we’d love to have you back in the morning.

Sunday provides a wonderful opportunity for more relaxed visiting, and perhaps a walk in the woods.